Sunday, May 16, 2010

Film Analsis: Taken

Hero: Bryan Mills
Mentor: Sam
Threshold Guardian: Jean Claude, Peter
Herald: Jean Claude, Sam
Shapeshifter: St. Clair, Jean Claude
Shadow: Marco, Bryan
Trickster: The undercover police
Ordinary World: Relaxing, doing security work, wanting to spend time with his daughter Kim
Call to Adventure: Kim gets taken while traveling in Europe
Refusal of the Call: When Bryan is in Paris and he refuses to meet with his old friend
Meeting With the Mentor: Talking with Sam and he is telling him about the people who took his daughter and important information
Crossing the Threshold: He flies from the United States to Paris, France which he doesn't know anything about.
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Doesn't know where his daughter is, drugged lady, St. Clair, Marco,
Approach: He is caught by the enemies and they want to kill him
Ordeal: The Sheik has a knife on his daughter's throat as Bryan watches
Reward: He gets his daughter back
The Road Back: He finds a man who knows who has his daughter and he commits to finding his daughter and getting her back.
Resurrection: Enemies have him and are gong to kill him, than he brings all his knowledge from when he was spy back and gets away.
Return with Elixir: He returns Kim back to her mom, they can all heal knowing that she is safe.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Journey

Jackson was sitting in the Starbucks at 1500 Broadway sipping his coffee when he felt the vibration of his phone. It was a text from his friend Matt it said "I have a proposal for you, meet me at 5 at Monks". Matt did his other Sunday activities and arrived at Monks at five. Matt was already at a table waiting for Jackson. Jackson took a seat and asked what was this great proposal. Matt pulled something out of his coat pocket without saying a word and handed them to Jackson. They were one way plane tickets to Las Vegas for tomorrow! What kind of proposal is this asked Jackson. We need a break, get your money, pack your bags and screw your catholic ways. Lets get out of New York and have some fun replied Matt. Jackson had been taught all his life to never gamble and now his best friend was trying to get him to go against something he had been taught. After some heavy convincing from Matt, Jackson agreed to take the one way ticket and go have some fun.

Hero: Jackson
Ordinary world: New York City going to school at NYU and working to become an actuary.
Call to adventure: When he meets his friend and his friend hands him a one way plane ticket to Las Vegas and he decides to take it.
Special world: Las Vegas, the capital city of sin

Monday, April 26, 2010


Name: Jackson Cavener
Race/religion/gender: White/Roman - Catholic/Male
Parents: Nick and Nicole Cavener
Style of dress: Business
Hometown: Siena, Italy
Marital status/family: Single
Most embarrassing moment: Meeting with the President of Harvard and I asked when the baby was due, she wasn't pregnant.
Greatest fear: Box Jellyfish
Strongest desire: Live a happy life, and own a castle in France.
Job: Studying at Cambridge University to become an actuary.
Where he/she wants to be in 5 years: Be a graduated actuary and be working for the family business.
Guiltiest pleasure:
Spending money on dumb stuff, when I know I should donate it.
Identifying marks: Scar on calf, got cut on fence when jumping it, coming home from church.
Quite, arms folded, helpful
What he/she was like in school: Quite, did work, did not complain
Favorite sayings: You can't help everyone everywhere but you can help someone somewhere
Favorite quotes from songs:
Well I know what right, I got just one life
Favorite movie quotes:
My name is Dewey Finn, I'm not a licensed teacher, but I have been touched by your kids, and I'm pretty sure I've touched them.
Most valuable possession:
My education
What he/she feels about love:
Don't tell them you love them, show them you love them
Philosophy of life: Accomplish all of my dreams, make and keep my wife happy. To help other people accomplish what they want too.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ever since I can remember I played the fiddle. I got my first fiddle at 2 and been playing ever since. My dad taught me how to play, he was real good. My dad was the best fiddle player in the state of Georgia. I told him I would be better than him, someday. He told me to practice, practice, practice and someday I just might be. One night my parents went to see a movie. They said they would be back a little after ten. Ten came and went when about midnight I heard a knock on the door. Tired, I answered it, it was the police. The policeman told me my parents were involved in a car accident and did not make it. I was crushed, all I wanted to do is play my fiddle which reminded me of my dad. I did as my dad said and practiced. I was getting better and before I knew it I was the best in the state of Georgia. I loved my fiddle and took it everywhere I went. One day I was going down to the pond to sit and think about life and practice my fiddle when all of the sudden a huge beam of light blinded me. I thought maybe God was giving me back my dad until I could see again and realized it was the complete opposite. It was the Devil, with a golden fiddle! He started talking to me and saying how even though I was the best fiddle player in Georgia he could beat me. Dazed and confused I though OK, your gonna loose. Then he said if you lose I get your soul, if you win you get my golden fiddle. My parents taught me not to ever gamble, but I thought that I could beat him. I took his bet and prayed to God to help me. The Devil started out, the piece he played was fast and nothing I have ever heard before. He was good. It was my turn, I played a piece my dad wrote, it too was fast and crazy noted. I played it flawlessly. The Devil knew he had been beat he tried to get to have a re-match and was hesitant on giving me the fiddle. I finally got my golden fiddle and continued on my way to the pond. My dad would be proud of me!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


1. Devil went down to Georgia (Charlie Daniels)
The Devil thought he was the best fiddle player in the state of Georgia. He went around and started challenging people. One of the people he challenged was Johnny. The Devil bet that he could beat him. If he beat him than he got Johnny's soul. If Johnny beats him than he gets the Devils golden fiddle. Johnny took the Devils bet and beat him.

2. Cats in the Cradle (Harry Chapin)
A boy wants to spend time with his dad. When he calls his dad the dad is always busy and cannot play with his son. Later in life the dad calls his son wanting to spend time with him and the son is living a busy life and cannot spend time with his dad. The dad realizes that his son turned out just like him.

3. Silence on the Line (Chris Ledoux)
An old rodeo guy has been away from home for sometime. He calls his wife in Colorado, she is not happy with how long he has been gone. The old cowboy says that he has a friend that is crippled and asks if he could bring him home. The wife says no that there is too much that has to be done and he would just be in the way. There is a silence on the line. He hangs up the phone gets his crutches and wishes that he was on the Colorado bus. He hopes the weather is nice in Mexico.

4. There Goes My Life (Kenny Chesney)
A young guy finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant. He got sad and and thinks that his dreams are going up in smoke. He doesn't know how he is going to raise a child, when he is only one himself. A few years later he grew to love his daughter, what he thought was the biggest mistake he had ever made. Years later, the dad was sad to see his daughter headed to the west coast.

5. Wrinkles (Diamond Rio)
A boy got out of the tub and saw that he had wrinkles, he showed them to his dad and his dad sat him down and said they are nothing to be scared of. He walked down the hall and heard his mom talking about how she missed the younger years. Then the boy told her how they were just wrinkles they are nothing to be scared of. The boy talks about how everyone is going to have a few wrinkles.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Story Song

Song: Devil went down to Georgia
Artist: Charlie Daniels

The devil challenges a boy named Johny to a fiddle contest. If the devil wins then he gets Johnny's soul and if Johnny wins than he gets the Devils golden fiddle.

The Devil

Johnny took the Devils bet and now Johnny has to play better on the fiddle than the Devil or he will get Johnny's soul.

You shouldn't bet because the Devil thought that he was the best at the fiddle and would never lose. He went around challenging people and Johnny took his challenge and beat him.

State of Georgia

Sunday, March 14, 2010

6-word Memoirs

Top 10
1. Want to be a kid again
2. Almost got to see my maker
3. Closed my eyes, now I'm 70
4. Someday I will have facial hair
5. Whooaa who lets the apes in
6. I doubt they will come through
7. Walking through the park in NY
8. Betos, steak and eggs, pretty good
9. My parents are driving me INSANE!
10. Someday I might actually like church

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grand Theft Poetry


I'm as happy as a lark consider these minutes golden
On that clear October morning children asked, why
They did not understand we ran into Reverend Bradford
He too was beaming of joy and happiness
The time is almost here we will see him soon
The children asked why must we go
The world is of chains and restrictions, constant problems
Where we are going has no restrictions, you will be free
We die soon
Soon we shall be part of the tombs full of soundless bones
Soon we will be in a much better place
The best place any person could want to be
Wake me when I'm free

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Second Draft (bad poetry)

What did I do today:

Today is the first of May
What did I do today
I went to the bay and
Talked to Aunt Fay like usual
She had nothing to say
I went on my way
Collecting my pay and
Even bought a bale of hay
Its been one heck of a day
On the first of May

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Very Bad Poetry

Nothing Knew:

Today was like all other days, nothing knew
I try and try each day to find something to do
I even sit and listen to the cows moo while trying
to figure out something to do
so I can say that I did something knew
24 hours a day my life is very boring
while all of my friends lives are constantly soaring
I will do what I did today tomorrow
I will get the same results, nothing knew

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Impulse

M - Nice day out ma'am
F - Yes sir sure is
M - Where you headed
F - Dover
M - Why you headed there?
F - Some family problems
M - How long you gonna be there?
F - As long as it takes
M - To do what?
F - Settle some family problems
M - What kind of family problems?
F - My father is being held hostage and they want 1 million before they release him
M - Oh, my, you don't hear that story everyday
F - Yeah
M - Is that whats in the suitcase?
F - what?
M- The money
F - Um . . .
M - Can I see it?
F - Um . . .
M - Please! I have never seen 1 million dollars before
F - I think not this money is for my father and I am not going to chance his life!
M - Come on! We are the only ones out here, what can happen?
F - Lots could happen! No way!
M - Your just being over careful!
F - I love my father and I this money is his life!
M - If you let me see it then I won't tell anybody theres money in that suitcase
F - Who you gonna tell we are the only 2 out here
M - I will tell people on the train, someone on the train will steal that money
F - You wouldn't!
M - Or would I?
F - Why do you want to see 1 million dollars?
M - Because I've never seen it before
F - Fine as long as no one else finds out on the train
M - Alright
F - You stand 10 feet back so I know you won't steal any
M - Fine. Hurry up here comes the train.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Four Alarm Fire

The fire alarm went off, it came from the museum. All the firemen got ready and took off in the truck towards the museum. When the truck arrived the owner of the museum was there waiting. When the fireman got out the owner pleaded that they get one piece out. This piece was the four alarm fire piece. He claimed this piece was very important to him. He gave a detailed description of the piece and the area of the where the piece was at. The fireman took off and split up so they could cover more ground. What the owner of the museum forgot to tell the firefighters is that the whole section of that museum was paintings of fires. Each fireman did their best to find that piece, but there were just many. The fire was getting closer. 2 of 3 fireman decided they would go fight the fire and try to buy the last fireman some time to look some more. The fireman looking for the piece decided that he would start closest to the fire, he looked at about 30 pictures when he saw one that stood out from the rest. This picture sparked a memory. This picture looked just like a fire he fought several years ago. It was his third day as a firefighter and they got called out to a burning apartment and when they arrived the whole building was up in flames. They could not go in the building, the structure was unsafe and the building could collapse any minute. When they finally got the fire out the death count was 45 people. They did not save one single person. He felt that he didn't do his job and failed the people that died. He instantly knew this was the picture the man wanted. He grabbed the piece and told the other 2 people he had it. They all fled the building. As they got out of the building it collapsed. The firefighter gave the piece to the man, and man said this piece is most important to him because this is a picture of an apartment that burned down several years ago, my daughter died in that fire. The firefighter knew it was the same fire in which he could not save anyone. This fireman had a copy made of the picture and hung it in his house. Every time he sees it he remembers the 45 that died, and it makes him want to always do his best.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hi i'm Derek Schoonmocher!
I was born in 1982 in France. My mother died when I was 2 years old. My father is the owner of a Swiss ski Company named Alp. At the age of 8 my father sent me to a boarding school named Fontainebleau. I was sent there to study the arts and especially music. I studied there until I was 16 then moved back with my dad. I got a job in England working for United Parcel Service (UPS). I worked for UPS until the age of 18 when I had enough money to move to the United States of America. I moved to New York and started college there. To go after my goal of becoming a Clinical Pathologist. After getting my Bachelors from New York I moved to Washington University to start medical school. While at medical school I met a nice girl by the name of Rachel Turner, we dated a while then married on February 19, 2006. I got a job at Seattle General Hospital. My starting pay was $189,000. We lived in Washington for 2 years then I started my own pathologist clinic in Rancho Cucamonga, California. We have 2 kids with the oldest being 4. I love cars I have a great collection of mostly older Ford Mustangs and AC Shelby Cobra's. I like to hunt and fish, I recently just got back from an Alaskan Moose hunt. The bull was 65" wide. I own a cabin outside Banff National Park, we go there every year for Christmas. I was recently converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. My wife and I work in the nursery. I love to travel around the world and see all the different types of people and the traditions they perform. My favorite place I have visited is Italy. Last thing is family is very important to me!