Monday, April 26, 2010


Name: Jackson Cavener
Race/religion/gender: White/Roman - Catholic/Male
Parents: Nick and Nicole Cavener
Style of dress: Business
Hometown: Siena, Italy
Marital status/family: Single
Most embarrassing moment: Meeting with the President of Harvard and I asked when the baby was due, she wasn't pregnant.
Greatest fear: Box Jellyfish
Strongest desire: Live a happy life, and own a castle in France.
Job: Studying at Cambridge University to become an actuary.
Where he/she wants to be in 5 years: Be a graduated actuary and be working for the family business.
Guiltiest pleasure:
Spending money on dumb stuff, when I know I should donate it.
Identifying marks: Scar on calf, got cut on fence when jumping it, coming home from church.
Quite, arms folded, helpful
What he/she was like in school: Quite, did work, did not complain
Favorite sayings: You can't help everyone everywhere but you can help someone somewhere
Favorite quotes from songs:
Well I know what right, I got just one life
Favorite movie quotes:
My name is Dewey Finn, I'm not a licensed teacher, but I have been touched by your kids, and I'm pretty sure I've touched them.
Most valuable possession:
My education
What he/she feels about love:
Don't tell them you love them, show them you love them
Philosophy of life: Accomplish all of my dreams, make and keep my wife happy. To help other people accomplish what they want too.


  1. This sounds like a really interesting guy. Good job.

  2. Hermione, lets be honest. this dude just sounds like your average joe. which is a good thing because when you read a story with a hero in it he or she usually is just that, an average joe. think about it, in tons of books ive read, its almost always just some guy in some place who gets the opertunity of a lifetime and takes it. I wonder what opertunity this Jackson will have. It makes you i an average joe? are you an average joe? are we not just all average joes, waiting for out call to action?
